Greens available at RAM
starting November 9th
(Collards, Mustards, Turnips)
Help Support Our Local
Farm with a Donation
From Seed to soul
Thank you all for your support of our local farm in 2023. Your support helped us bridge the gap that exists in the area of food insecurities from one community to another. We could not have met our goals without each of you!! Let’s continue this much-needed work into 2024!!!
Our Mission
To promote and support the development of processes and programming that raises awareness of the importance of sustainable practices, organic farming, and organic green products and their relation to individuals’ overall health and wellness.
Our Vision
To be a premier source of sustainable farming, nutritional education, health, and wellness programs that enable individuals to improve their health in the Northeast Florida Region. We are committed to improving quality of life by providing a catalyst for community development, stimulating social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, producing nutritious food, reducing family food budgets, and empowering food-insecure communities.